Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stairs, Elevator...Elevator...Stairs.... Elevator...

When I lived in New York I walked 5 - 6 hours a day. Dragged my laundry in a basket to the laundromat..
Used a cart to walk 8 blocks to the grocery store   squeeze thru the narrow crowded aisles...  and walk 8 blocks home..walk blocks and blocks to the elevated subway line... haul anything I was carrying up those stairs.. get to a main underground subway Station, where the elevators were unapproachable because of certain odors that were wafting from them so I would scurry to the 1/4 mile steep escalator that would carry me up to street level unless it wasn't working and then would have to utlize the steep stairway, my carrier banking behind me as I climbed to the street... and then the walking began....
I was lot's thinner...   actually had muscle tone...

Today, in Phoenix, when I get  in the car to drive to the Circle K around the corner  and don't have to worry about whether or not I can wear heels because I never have to walk that far in them or over
cracked and pottholed streets...   my delema      
                          STAIRS                            .........................        ELEVATOR
In New York the Elevator was my friend. I'll be danged if I am walking up to the stairs to the
the 89th floor of any Building.
But this is only one floor.   One floor at the Food bank. One flight of Stairs.
Just think of the calories that will be burned. The muscle tone that will be gained.
How happy I will be with the results.....    Oh, but look at that elevator. My friend.... I think I'm having flashbacks to having to climb the sairs to my second floor apt and my friends 4th floor walkups....
But....   yes.... my butt.......
maybe I should carry a few canned donations...   burn more calories
I just noticed the names of deceased donors on the wall next to the elevator.... is that a hint???


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