Thursday, December 30, 2010

Distract, Swoop and Run....

The people at St Mary's are a very welcoming and congenial sort. Walk into any office and you are usually welcomed warmly and  will observe that on most desktops there is the infamous GOODIE BOWL. The goodie bowl (cup, container, strange small box depending on the inhabitant of the office) usually has a welcoming assortment of candies, treats or small things sweet and edible. Jerry our media genius had a bowl of the everpopular xmas colored M and M's which were constantly being replenished right up until Xmas Eve. They were my favorite. I have a bowl of leftover halloween candy that the kid's didn't want. They are still sitting in the bowl. Hmmmmm.
I think maybe the knowledge that we are a food bank and we never let anyone leave emptyhanded has permeated our office psyche. This is a sweet way to attend to those who are not in dire need but could use some sweetening.
There is an Art Form to aquiring these goodies without drawing alot of attention to yourself..  walk into an office and address it's occupant "Oh Christina, I just LOVE that picture!" As Christina diverts here eyes to the picture, your hand goes into the bowl and swoops appropriately, placing the treasures in a pocket.
"I think I hear a food drive emergency! Gotta go Christina. Is it okay if I take one of these candies?"....  and out the door you run.  If you go into enough offices you can accumulate enough goodies to replenish your bowl and have a few too. Distract, Swoop and Run....
That ends next week. For me anyhow. Unless people start using Sugar Free goodies...

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Sugar Free... head on over to Fry's Electronics. They were selling some great Sugar Free Fudge... oh, wait. That's not what you're really driving at. Gee, see how easy it is to get caught up in the whole "sweets-as-comfort-food" craze? It will be interesting and enlightening to follow your posts, Liz. Keep your chin up and the smiles bright! U can do it!!
